Blogs That Support Quality Change
I get a few emails here and there of people asking me what blogs I read that influence my writing & blogging. I have to admit I don’t really read other blogs in order to influence my writing. I read them to influence my perspectives on my life.
Perspective is what creates my paradigm’s or what I’ve coined as my belief acquisitions.
Adopting a new belief isn’t always conscious although I’d like to believe mine are. Never the less I prefer to read and engage within an online community that supports my desired lifestyle. So here are some of my choices!
Below are some of the fellow bloggers that I frequent and some of my favorite posts in September.
Top 6 Blog Posts To Support Change
Steve Pavlina– The god father of blogging & personal development. This post is actually a video on Raw Food and Social Support. I believe the post had an even bigger impact on me from the idea of social support. We can create the change in our selves so much faster by surrounding ourselves within the right environment. Even if you’re not into the raw lifestyle there is a fantastic insight in this video right after Steve talks about raw & cooked food.
Think Simple Now– One of my faves with spiritual insight o’ plenty. Tina nails it with Personal Change You Can Measure. Tina has recently came back from an amazing retreat that has magnified her blogs purpose. There are some very actionable steps in this post on measuring change, whether it be in exercise, business or spiritual practice. This post came to me in just the right time as I am tracking more in my personal diet, exercise and business!
Urban– My Australian based friend Albert has one of the best blogs on not only personal development but on human development. Albert is actually going to school for his 2nd career in psychology and counseling and already has a post graduate degree in Multimedia & web design. Read more about him on his bio. I can’t say enough great things about Urban Monk. My most recent insightful post was a guest post by Celestine Chua on How to Pursue Your Purpose and Passion: Understand The Essence of Your Passion. Guest posts there are always spot on and this post is not different. Wonderful and insightful read.
Motivate Thyself– Eric Hamm hits on a timely topic within our economy right now on The Secrete Of Spending Less and Having More. Eric is another web techie (His WordPress Theme Frugal rocks) who never ceases to amaze me with his personal insights on human development. The secret isn’t quite what I thought but I’m so glad I read it. He really gets to the essence of why we’re here to begin with.
Derek Sivers– Derek nails many area’s of life however this post was essentially a big insight for me because of the initial resistance I had to the posts title. The post is How Do You Grade Yourself? I expect what happened when I first read the title is I went into judgment. However this blog post was very sincere in my opinion and lent me to ask the question: “just how do I measure my life pursuit?” Before hand I wouldn’t have dared to ask that question because it would have been full of ego driven answers. I am spending some time answer this one myself because his line of, “happiness is living in line with your measure” screams of ego driven activity. However it’s a good question that I feel compelled to look into even if I resist it.
The Art of Non Conformity -Chris Guillebeau is one of my favorite new additions. His life hack blog has some brilliant content. My favorite this past month was on What Happens If You Don’t Achieve An Important Goal? This is an area that is seldom confronted with all of the write your goals, see your goals and commit to your goals talk. Truth is everyone, even the Guru’s don’t achieve their goals. What happens when you don’t? Watch the video or read the post to find out. I got some great value from this one.
So there you have my top 6 posts in September.
- Social Support
- Identifying personal change you can measure
- How to pursue your purpose and passion: By understanding the essence of your passion
- Secrets of spending less and having more
- How do you grade yourself
- What happens if you don’t achieve your goals
Once you read all of them see if you notice a common thread that runs through all of them.
What I get from them and what you get from them will probably be different but mine was supporting me through the changes I’m finding myself going through. Sustaining that change can be challenging unless I have the right mental & physical tools.
What was your message?