Bought way too many Facebook Ads training courses and still not running winning campaigns? Then this Episode is for you!
Adrienne Richardson is a lead gen expert. Her specialty is helping her clients (doctors, universities and millionaire entrepreneurs) become “Internet famous” and bring in real-world profits through high-converting Facebook ads.
Her happy clients are getting more sales calls with qualified leads, registrants for their webinars, and buyers for their products — resulting in millions of dollars of new revenue. As a result, Adrienne has become a go-to online marketing strategist for businesses that want to add more commas and zeros to their profits.
A successful businesswoman, Adrienne has built two multiple-six figure businesses, including a print magazine. She was also an Air Force paramedic for seven years, where delivering babies and saving lives prepared her well for the unpredictable whims of online marketing.
In this Episode we cover:
- How Adrienne is responsible for one client alone that generates over $200,000 a month in sales from FB ads
- The two most common struggles people experience doing their own FB ads
- The first thing she looks for when looking at someone’s FB campaigns and funnels
- The Top 3 tips she says are absolutely critical to running a winning FB campaign.
- How to get your FB ads account banned for good (and what to do instead)
- And much more…
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