If you’re sick and tired of getting prospective clients on the phone and receiving sales objections you don’t know how to handle, this episode is for you. I’ll share with you how to eliminate 95% of objections before your prospects get on the line with you plus I’ll share an advanced objection handling perspective that works!
The way we set up your business is to handle objections up front before people even get on the phone with you.
We do this in your webinar, in your launch letter, your content creation and most importantly with your belief & posture (i.e. your identity)
Conversations That Convert, a conversation process I teach, also helps to eliminate a lot of resistance that may be standing between your prospect and their results.
However, you’re still going to get objections when it comes to price. It’s important to realize people aren’t rejecting you – It always comes down to the fact they don’t trust THEMSELVES TO FOLLOW THROUGH.
I can’t afford it is going to be a common objection and it’s why I’ve had great success in asking people, “Well what DID you budget initially? You knew what I offer wasn’t free before we jumped on a call so what DID you budget?”
We then use that number to get people started and work out a payment plan for the difference. It USUALLY works in our favor and the clients.
However helping people get out of their way and trust themselves will still be part of your calls.
[ctt title=”The difference between manipulation and persuasion is your intent.” tweet=”The difference between manipulation and persuasion is your intent.” coverup=”aYS40″]
Clearly your intentions should be to HELP this person create an environment where they NO LONGER struggle day to day with their health, their finances, their relationships or their connection to source.
If they could totally afford you, they probably wouldn’t NEED you…
…so it SHOULD feel like a stretch to invest in their outcomes. If it wasn’t, then they wouldn’t be on the line with you in the first place.
I was speaking with one of my clients just before I wrote this and we created a response to “I can’t afford you right now.”
They typical sales response would be, “[Name], you really can’t afford NOT to do this wouldn’t you agree?”
Personally, that response feels yucky to me…and will more than likely push your prospect backwards. They’re already in resistance at that point…
…so consider providing this response:
“I hear you loud and clear saying you can’t afford it right now…and I actually AGREE with you. That’s why you reached out for help.”
…And on the same hand would you agree you’re in the situation you’re in BECAUSE you haven’t had the guidance and systems in place to help you PREDICTABLY get the results you want and be as successful as possible?
[listen for a yes]
[name] I can help you…
…but in order for me to do that I need you to have your intentions to be VERY clear. That means you being 100% DETERMINED to really getting out of this pickle and reaching your goals we’ve talked about today.
I realize it’s a stretch financially and it SHOULD be…because your financial investment demonstrates your energetic commitment to STRETCH beyond where you are and get what you say you want.
I can’t do it FOR you, but I CAN do it WITH you.
So, [name] what amount can you invest today that will match your commitment.
My intent is to acknowledge this person where they are yet, NOT comply with their inability to TRUST themselves and LEAN INTO the transformation.
Not EVERYONE who invests with you just has a bunch of money laying around…
…but if you CAN help them you have a responsibility to have conversations like this because they’re not 100% capable of having it with themselves.
This is one of those conversations I don’t have very often, but I’m completely prepared to have…
…and I feel you should be prepared for too.
Now go help some people…