If you want to inspire prospects and attract more high paying clients, never use these two words again.


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Expecting The Best From Clients

attract-high-paying-clientsHi, this is Tony Teegarden with TonyTeegarden.com, helping you turn your problems into profits.

Today I want to share with you really the only way I know to serve clients at an extremely high level so that you get paid a premium.

The number one way I know is to serve your clients, to expect them to perform at a level that you do. Now what do I mean by this? [Because I know this sounds nuts]

Don’t Look Down & Don’t Look Up

What I mean is not looking down on your prospects and not looking up at your prospects. If you’re looking down at your prospects, then you’re telling them what they should do, what they need to do, what they ought to do, and what they’re supposed to do.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand there are some principles and fundamentals that are necessary in order for your clients to operate at a very high level and to get the outcomes that they desire.

It can also be easy for us to look up to our prospects, meaning that maybe we see things in themselves that we don’t see in ourselves.

The bottom line is that the only way I know to serve clients is to hold them in your heart.

Calling Your Prospects Minions & Cattle

One of the ways that I can see that this might be a very challenging perspective is when I hear coaches or experts or service providers talking about their tribes or talking about their herds.

Myself personally, I cant look at you as part of my tribe or part of my herd. Number one, you’re not a minion of mine, and you’re also not cattle.

So whenever I here these words and these phrases being thrown around as “marketing speak,” it seems very unauthentic to me, and it doesn’t feel right. The only way that I know is to work with you and hold you to the highest standard possible so that you’re operating at such a level that I’m demonstrating what it is I expect of you as well.

The Cost Of Calling Them Minions & Cattle

By calling people your tribe or calling them your herd, to me it seems fundamentally disconnected. It seems that it’s rather disconnected from the heart, meaning that you serve them at a level that’s very deep and meaningful.

If you yourself have found yourself using the words tribe or herd or expecting to build a loyal following, then maybe you wouldn’t be looking at it that way if you weren’t looking for followers as much as you were looking for people to be the advocate of.

The Key To Endeared & Loyal Clients

That’s a key concept that I feel has served me greatly in my business. I’m the advocate of your success. I’m the advocate of wanting to see you live at your very highest and do your very best.

With that, this is Tony Teegarden. I hope you’ve enjoyed this video. If you liked this video, go ahead and subscribe now on this page so you can get more just like it served right to your inbox. Thanks a lot and have a great day.