Conceptual broken chain isolated on white back...

Made to Be Broken

Our self perceived tragedies are our destinies. When you and I live in the present moment and no longer looking back, there in lies our gifts we find to present to the world.”

What would your life look like if you were living your life wide open? Really sit and ponder that thought for a moment.
Is it possible to live your life wide open without fear?

Could you:

  • Love as deeply as possible?
  • Reach as high as you could for your dreams?
  • Be as passionate about your life’s mission as possible?
  • Have deep trusting relationships?

Could you do any of the above if around every corner you were concerned with:

  • What other people thought about your actions
  • What others would say about you failures
  • Fear rejection of a spouse or a possible mate
  • Having your heart broken

Are we really meant to live a life without tragedy, challenge, losses or failures? Maybe by thinking we’re not supposed to we’re setting ourselves up for just that, internal strife.

Do you think it’s possible that the reason we’re here is to live out these human experiences in full living color? The good, the great, the bad and the tragic?

Why do we see caution signs everywhere?

  • Because we’re screwed up?
  • We’re just that way?
  • Because that’s just how we were raised?
  • That’s how it’s always been?

If you thought you were broken then the opposite is true-and you most certainly were also meant to be healed.“-Me

The Gift of Being Broken

My perception? We’re all just grown ups walking around with childhood wounds that are unresolved (unhealed) and they show up as caution signs in our lives. (i.e. Fears)

Yes, that’s a bold statement on my part. On some level there are wounded moments as a child that have impacted our psyche. (Some subtle and others more dramatic) If this wasn’t the case wouldn’t there be more people living more spiritually & emotionally abundant lives?

Our pain is not in Vain if we use those experience to help facilitate transformation in others who seek it.“-Jana Fleming

So my goal is to heal what is broken by finding the gift in it.

  • What could be the gift in being a failure
  • What could be the gift in being a loser
  • What would be the gift in being an asshole

The gifts are there if you look deep enough:

The Gift of Failure:

  • You find out who your true friends are. You discover who will stand behind you or support you and your dream regardless
  • You discover what drives you in moments of failure and gain clarity when you decide to pick yourself up and attempt it again
  • You become wiser of your overall experience of the situation. You no longer just know something, you’ve experienced it
  • You discover resources & tools you didn’t realize that were within your reach to support your new growth

The Gift of Being of Insecure:

  • You attract someone into your life that you didn’t know cared for you and supports your transformation
  • Allows you time for introspection, reflection and planning
  • The ability to discover strength through vulnerability (It takes strength to be vulnerable)
  • It provides space for you to realize you’re not acknowledging your wholeness

The Gift of being an Asshole:

  • You’re not afraid to be bold
  • You’re assertive in your actions
  • You know how to attract attention

Acknowledging the tales you’ve woven around these qualities begin to free you from the unconscious hold they have on you.“-Dr. David Simon Author of- Free to Love Free Heal

I realize now my purpose is to not only heal my own childhood (and adult) wounds but so that my pain doesn’t go in vain, I live transparently and authentically sharing them. Through vulnerability I find strength.

Emotional Strength is the ability to be vulnerable without the concern of being seen as weak.“-Me

I’ve been, a failure, I’ve been a loser and I’ve been an asshole. I’ve been all of these things however:

Creating a map of what we experience in our lives is only limited by what we are willing to let go of and what we’re willing to believe is possible.“-Me

What do I believe is possible?

My life right now is about letting people know it’s OK to find the gifts in their current experiences, no matter how tragic or tranquil.

What is the story you’re telling yourself?

Meant to Be Healed

Our lives are but a split second in time.

I would have rather had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand than an eternity without it….one.“-Nicholas Cage, City of Angels (1988 Movie)

It doesn’t take a lifetime or an eternity for us to find healing and be love(d). This is the gift we are able to give ourselves. You can choose to dissolve whatever has been the root of your dis-ease.  I’m not saying that fear doesn’t serve a purpose. Fear can certainly keep you safe from harm or from taking unnecessary risks.

However by continuing to allow your unbridled thoughts to keep you a victim, you’re not able to be truly free.

Can you look inside and see what it is that’s been creating you the most challenge or pain and find the good in it?

Once you’ve embraced it would you be willing to dissolve it with love?

Ask yourself the right empowering questions that lead you to realize your true power, gifts and connection to divinity.  “If you thought you were made to be broken you then you were also most certainly meant to be healed.

Embracing our light and dark sides does not make us weak; it brings wholeness to our being.”-Dr David Simon Free to Love Free to Heal

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