Social Media As I Understand It
I had talked about twitter in my last post and I wanted to share some insight about social media in general for the new person. (Considering I’m semi new to it myself)
Last night I had a fantastic meeting with my mastermind group and it was focused largely on social media and how much we understood the idea and the concept of it. (I’ll post a video on that too soon)
We had a new addition to the group last night and he wasn’t in agreement of social media and thought it was stupid however he was open to it. (He does have a twitter account). The short story is we told him he doesn’t have to agree with it because it’s going to and actually is happening with or with out him agreeing.
Social Media Resources For Noobs
Let me share with you a few great resources to help you understand social media as a newbie and then why you it behooves you to not only understand it but participate in it.
Coachdeb over at The Twitter Handbook blog shares a great post on social media and more importantly a video from entrepreneur and best selling author Seth Godin on social media and small business. This is a fantastic video that I encourage you to dig in.
Here are 5 New Social Media Turn-Ons from Global Neighborhoods. Shel Isreal conversations on social media have him to 34 countries and is geared more towards enterprise-related social media. If you’re interested in learning the opposite side of the coin and social media’s effect on large enterprises this is a must read.
From Altitude Branding Blog you can find 21 Ways to Share Social Media Love. It’s a great introduction to the manners required in engaging in social media appropriately. So many times people get social media wrong, which leads me to…
I’m originally and still am, a salesman. 16 years ago I started in high end sales. Then 8 years ago I joined the network marketing industry and have been with that same company since. I’ve been face to face mainly all my life.
Enter my newest interest which is coined Internet Marketing. Basically it’s marketing online to people. That’s finding yourself a niche with a hungry crowd and then feeding them what they want in the way of products or services. Well social media and internet marketing are two different things. Well, this is what happens when social media clashes with internet marketing. This is a must read for anyone who doesn’t want be the equivalent of drunk, loud, obnoxious jerk at a party.
No social media overview would be complete with out Gary Vaynerchuk of Wine Library. In my opinion (And again I’m a newbie so take it for what it’s worth) Gary is the social media maven who has taken his company Wine Library to be a 50 million dollar company primarily through social media. Take a look at Gary’s video blog about his response to Howard Stern’s thoughts about social networks, social media & blogs. *Warning Gary is known for his strong language.
In closing social media is about building relationships with people. You hopefully got that from reviewing some of these resources. You can achieve marketing your products and services through social media but not before you actually build relationships with your audience and provide value.
I know I use social media for my New Way of Wealth blog and my top 5 incoming traffic channels consist of Facebook and Twitter. Imagine that?
So hopefully you are already on Facebook, Twitter & a book marking site like Delicious. If not what are you waiting for?! You may want to join the fun!