In Episode 28 I’ll take you deep into the world of why I quit my business and even life at one point…an episode like none I’ve shared before.
If you’ve ever considered quitting your coaching business then episode is for you.
If it isn’t, share it with someone who you feel would stand to benefit
There’s no “logical” amount of information I can provide an illogical mind about what’s possible in their life.
Someone who wants positive changes in their life without actually shifting how they see themselves or their lives is due for a lot of suffering.
I went through the same thing myself for nearly 4 years.
It required taking responsibility for EVERYTHING I had created in my life at that time in order to break the cycle.
After my divorce in 2005 I ended up…
Clinically depressed.
…and hopeless.
Eventually, I got tired of creating hardship for myself but it was a long painful journey filled with anxiety attacks, 911 calls where I thought I was having a heart attack and many depressed days.
I saw where I had created attachments in my life to preserve my fragile ego.
These attachments were causing me to believe and behave in ways that created my own suffering.
I was addicted to unhealthy relationships. Sex. Food. And self-loathing.
I wasn’t doing drugs or alcohol…
…so I pretended I wasn’t that bad off really.
I was a MASTER at hiding from the reality of my situation…yet making it look like I was successful on the outside.
And if I DID happen to attract a good woman…I found a way to push her away.
I was POWERFUL. I created REALLY horrible circumstances for myself and those that were around me.
The good news was I could create NEW circumstances. It just wasn’t going to happen overnight.
The challenge was, and is, we want everything to change right now – but who you are today will create your circumstances
It doesn’t work any other way.
Until you get that you’ll keep trying to hold on to relationships, animals, behaviors, habits or beliefs that make you feel good “right now.”
I had created my storm. A real SHIT storm if I’m to be blunt.
And I had to whether the natural consequences of my choices…
…while shifting my beliefs about who I REALLY was and what I was capable of in the world.
I chose responsibility.
I had to turn those new PARADIGMS into behaviors that created a whole new experience of life.
Thank god I did…
…whatever you’re going through, keep going.
[ctt title=”The light is always brightest in the darkest places. ” tweet=”The light is always brightest in the darkest places. [why you shouldn’t quit]” coverup=”euT9z”]
Don’t be scared.
Open your eyes…
…and move towards the light.