Are you a coach or consulting who struggles with the journey of marketing yourself? This episode is for you.
As of this podcast I’m back from Dallas Tx where I joined Travis Sago (from Episode #27) and 9 other high-level digital entrepreneurs to take our level of contribution to another level.
We were held up in a private suite for 3 days at the Dallas Omni. The men I was surrounded by were amazing.
You have to understand the last 60 days have been surreal as I’ve done over [listen to podcast] in sales.
December was [listen to podcast] alone.
And I’m so humbled.
There was a time, not that many years ago I couldn’t even keep my lights on.
I literally had to live with a friend for 30 days because I had no electric.
• I struggled with knowing if I was enough.
• I struggled with knowing if I had a purpose here.
• I struggled with knowing if I was capable of making a difference.
I really should write a book about all the shit I put myself through from 2004 to 2009 and how I’ve come out on the other side a better man for it.
My problems seemed SO HUGE and insurmountable to me back then.
There were times I literally had no money.
No food.
And no sense of self-worth.
I once had a landlord Dave Barnard, that gave me money to pay for my electric bill WHILE I was already 2 1/2 months behind on rent.
He believed in me.
I’m not sure he had any idea what that meant to me back then.
The good news is today…
I’ve learned to not take myself and my circumstances so seriously.
I’ve learned to love the lessons that come into my life.
I’ve learned my problems are ON my way not IN my way.
I’ve learned life doesn’t assign me meaning, I assign meaning to life.
I am the meaning.
I can make life easy.
And to do so I invest in myself to be the very best version of myself.
Hence working with Travis at such a high level like I have.
Life is easy because I’m at ease with life today.
I spent 3 days 1on1 with Travis back in November and he said something to me that really shook to my core.
It’s something I’ve known…
…but I’ve never fully articulated intellectually or verbally…
He said…
“…the minute you were born Tony, you won.”
So simple…
…And it’s true for me.
Every day I wake up and journal what I’m grateful for.
I’m grateful for the mistakes.
I’m grateful for the lessons.
I’m grateful for the obstacles.
No matter where you are…there are solutions available to you.
There are ways to make it a win.
I did it.
You can too.
I believe in you.