Is The Worst Yet To Come

Acknowledgment of Change

The very best can come from the very worst, if you choose.“-Me

Yes there are some challenging times going on right now in the U.S but not for everyone or anyone who decides to take action & create change.

It only makes sense to understand today is only temporary despite it’s uncomfortable for many right now.

The Problem

From Yahoo Finance Feb 17th: “The Worst Is Yet To Come” Americans Standard of Living Permanently Changed.

Yup I think it’s a load of manure but millions of people will buy into such rhetoric.

As Seth Godin states in Tribes: “Top management are looking for leaders who will create change before change happens to them.

Many people waited until change happened to them in their lives. Your standard of living can and will change if you choose to change how you approach creating cash flow.

There is lots of money as Frank Kern has stated. “Money doesn’t disappear. It only moves around.

The Solution

Seth Godin also states:

The easiest thing to do is to react, the next least easiest thing to do is to respond & by far the hardest thing to do is to initiate.

What are you doing to initiate change in your own personal economy right now?

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