Do you know how your brain works?

I know you may be asking, “Tony, do I really need to?” My answer is an astounding YES.

If you want to become more aware of why you do what you do so that you can break unhelpful habits, create new ones and gain a sense of confidence that comes from a high level of awareness, then YES, you do.

Not to mention I don’t know too many successful marketers that don’t understand human behavior and what makes people do what they do.

Not sure where to start?

Well I’ve got a treat for you! Below is a video interview I did with Tim Brownson of around his new book that will not only give you a giggle, but will also give you a some awesome insights into that big beautiful machine in your head called a brain.

Tim is releasing his newest book today called “70 Amazing Facts About Your Brain” and you can get it for free! Watch the video below. It’s pretty darn interesting if I do say so myself.

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You can get Access to Tim’s Newest book 70 Amazing Facts About The Brain by simply clicking here!