Self Composed Piano Self Composed Life

I came up with this piano piece one day, decided to record it using my flip and let it fly. As you can see I’m not shaved and  bit scruffy looking lol.

I didn’t really care because I had no intentions of ever putting something like this out. But then I started to really listen to it and paying attention to what it was telling me. I realized it was telling a story about life and our journey through it up to this point. There’s so much to learn about your entrepreneurial journey from it.

Life Is Our Biggest Composition

Think about the definition of Composition for a moment and give thought:

The invention or combination of the parts of any literary work or discourse, or of a work of art…

Isn’t it an amazing idea to believe or better yet know, that your life is totally your creation?

Isn’t it amazing to realize you are able to mold it, write it, create it or sculpt it to your whim?

Consider this for a moment, isn’t your life a work of art if you put thought to it?

Are you truly doing what you love?

As I watched the finished video I realized that it really is a symbol of the peaks and valleys of my life itself.

Even the music is a symbol of life.  As you hear the highs, the lows, the passion, the beauty and and even the mistake or two I make.  I decided to still put it out because it represents life in the way that we make mistakes but it’s important we still go on living, loving and creating.

The beginning represented optimism and light. Starting out as a young child or adult and optimistically charging into life.

Through the middle of the piece it represented times of challenge and moments of darkness. However that I was able to look at life after those moments with child like wonder and find my place of creativity again. To appreciate the moments of adversity and welcome them into my life because I have so much to learn from them.

Have you ever been there?

How did you recover and what was your thought process afterwards towards challenge.

Go Ahead And Ridicule Me

I’m sure someone may ridicule my playing or the video itself as hokie.

I can’t say I really care, as you shouldn’t, what too many people think of your expression of life.

Your everyday story is all that should matter to you.

Because all in all at the end of the day and in life, will you look back with fulfillment and joy knowing you lived it on your terms and lived it to it’s fullest?

Doing this video brought me great joy and hope it touches you and inspires you to reach out to others with your gifts no matter what. 🙂