“Don’t seek truth, just cease to cherish opinions. Let go of identification with your mind, who you are beyond your mind then emerges by itself.“-Zen Philosophy (From A New Earth)
I want you to imagine something for a moment.
Go back in time and search to see if you have ever been in a position where you found yourself arguing your point with someone and you felt your anger escalating through out your body, your blood pressure going through the roof and your heart almost seems in your throat?
You have a fight or flight mechanism but the flight mechanism ran for cover 10 minutes ago and you’re prepared to not only defend your position like a 10 inch thick brick wall but attack the person with every emotional tank gun, bazooka & bow & arrow in your arsenal.
Your opinion was based on your beliefs and your beliefs are based on your self identification.
To lose the argument was to lose your self identification which would mean the death of your ego.
The ego doesn’t deal with death very well, hence the fight in you.
You’re arguing your opinion because it’s your belief. Seems simple enough right? Because you’re right when you’re arguing your point. That’s why you’re arguing int the first place. Or so you believe.
It’s the reason for arguments, breakups, divorces, lawsuits and wars. The belief of ones self identity is the authority. Beliefs are everything you’ve experienced up until this point and time in your life that you perceive to be true.
The interesting part is most of those beliefs are not true if any. You only believe them to be. It’s ego at work.
Challenge those beliefs if you’re not living right now. Challenge those beliefs if you are so that you’re not stagnant in your being.
Self Identification
Your Beliefs are an extension of your Self Identification and can be changed at any point and time you choose. Be conscious, imagine it and it can be so.
As Wayne Dyer said, “Everything in the world had to be imagined first.”
So imagine the next step and even better place to be where you are becoming aware of yourself becoming the observer observing the observed.
Yes read that again 😉
This is what you are behind your self. You are of source and you are source.
Yes I know this is deep.
This is the place I found myself when I became completely over whelmed by my human experience. Yes I have had some knock down arguments as of late and found myself quite in the human experience.
The key for me is staying connected in that place to begin with. Coming from there already instead of having to go there afterwords. How do you do find yourself doing that? Morning Meditation is a good place to start. As my coach taught me:
- Wake
- Pee
- Meditate
Is this a fail safe way of never getting into an argument, nope. It’s a human condition of which is one of our experiences all of us are bound to have sometime.
Just choose awareness.
This post was just as much for myself more than anything. 🙂
Make today great, love & Light.