My Message To You
“I can appreciate your opinion but you’ll have to pardon me if I don’t heed your advice, my give o’ shit meter is broken.“
If you want to Create change in your life, experience personal freedom and make a difference in peoples lives you’ll have to not give a damn what the majority of people think right now.
You want to start a new business?
Do the research and start it.
Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of people tell you, “Are you nuts? The Economy is horrible right now!”
Point them to your broken give o’ shit meter.
The fact is there are more people starting businesses right now in the U.S. than when the DotCom explosion went down and a big reason is long term unemployment in the united states is at a 46% increase. The highest it’s ever been. (Don’t let the recent 400,000 + new jobs fool you. They were short term census jobs)
Right now there is no better time than now to embrace change because it’s coming whether we like it or not.
The better news is that right now there has never been more available information, more collaborative tools, more mentors to coach & support you and more overall opportunity than right now.
You’ve never been more ready than right now to move into a new direction.
You’ve never been more prepared than you are right now based on all of your successes and even more importantly, all of your failures.
Those failures learning experiences have taught you a lot about yourself haven’t they? Think about it. They’ve taught you that you can get back up after one and be that much more wiser and confident.
Well I’m hooking you up with what I call some new thought downloads via TED Talks to assist in arming yourself mentally for change and growth. These 3 videos have inspired the hell out of me in moving forward with my own business recently and I hope they do the same for you.
Oh and you don’t even have to leave the page to watch the videos below. Just hover your mouse over the link and the video pops up for you. Aren’t I nice? 🙂
1. Chris Guillebeau
Fear and Permission (run time 18:00)
“If you really wanted to acknowledge your fear and and get over it, at some point you have to be willing to step up on the stage…whatever the stage represents in your life.”
“Fear and anxiety is just repeatedly experiencing failure in advance.“-Seth Godin
“If you want to really do something great, if you really want to overcome fear you have to start by giving yourself permission.”
My Biggest Take Away:
- Become aware I have a give o’ shit meter to begin with. It’s ok, we all have one. It’s just a matter of if I’m going to break it and do what I want anyway. I really liked the concept of the freedom we experienced as a kid with a permission slip and writing myself one today.
- It’s not the big picture that scares me, it’s all the little details around the big picture that keeps me fearful.
- Saying goodbye to my routines and knowing what my day is going to be like. It can be scary as hell but at the same time necessary for change and liberating once actually you do it.
2. Simon Sinek
How great leaders inspire action (run time 18:02)
“If you don’t know why you do what you do, and people respond to why you do what you do, how will you will ever get anyone to vote for you, or buy something or more importantly, be loyal and want to be a part of what you do.”
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
“If you talk about what you believe, you’ll attract those who believe what you believe.”
“The innovators and early adopters, their comfortable making those gut decisions, their more comfortable making those intuitive decisions that are driven by what they believe about the world…”
My Biggest Take Away:
- Take the time to get clear on why you do what you do
- Align yourself with people who believe what you believe
- What you do proves what you believe
- This video inspired me to push myself over the edge to more consciously craft value for others.
3. David Logan
Tribal Leadership (run time 16:32)
“…to find someone who is a member of a tribe, and find someone who is part of another tribe and introduce them. That is what great tribal leaders do.”
“As people see the world, so they behave. well if people see the world in such a way that life sucks, then their behavior will follow automatically.”
“When individuals come together and find something that unites them that’s greater than their individual competence then something very important happens, the group gels and it changes from a group of highly motivated but fairly individually centric people into something larger, into a tribe that becomes aware of it’s own existence.”
My Biggest Take Away:
- Where there is no road map it’s peoples values and a noble cause within the group that lead them
- Leaders are Fluent at all 5 Tribal stages (Gotta watch the video)
- What kind of impact is my tribe I’m a part of making?
- Am I introducing tribal members to other tribes?
- I can do a much better job of moving the tribe towards a bigger cause
In Closing
I believe all of these videos lead from one to the other and are inherently connected in their messages.
- Give yourself permission to lead yourself
- Discover what drives you, why it drives you and learn how to communicate it so that others buy into it and you’re able to inspire action
- Use what you’ve learned from Chris and Simon in order to move tribes through the stages in order to connect them together and create great change via common values and a cause
And finally an ending thought I snapped up on Twitter last night:
“Experience matters more than education. Highlight things you have *done*, not skills you’ve learned.“- Jordan Cooper
Don’t just learn the stuff I share and file it away as, “Ok I know that now.”
Put it into useful purposeful action. I’m doing so as I speak and some of you have already started helping. I can’t wait to get From Fear to Freedom‘s message to the masses, which brings me back to my opening message.
You’ve never been more ready than right now to experience your personal freedom and do what the hell you want to do.
Do you know why you aren’t doing it?
Break your give a shit meter. Who cares!
It’s the one broken tool that can be incredibly powerful in moving you internally from fear to your freedom. Go ahead and give yourself permission to move!
What is your biggest take away from today’s post?
If you’ve declared to break the give o’ shit meter drop the hammer down on it by leaving a comment about your biggest take away in the comments section below. Oh, and do us all favor by forwarding this post to someone you care about!