Top 10 Strategies Of Zen In 2010

Considering all things that are real in the world today something I’m focused on is what isn’t.

Sound strange?

Because it is, I’m focused on my inner world, my inner piece and my inner sanctum. That has nothing to do with my exterior world which many call the real world.

Although I believe the below strategies have everything to do with how I create & work with my outer world.

So let’s begin the top 10 strategies of Zen in 2010.

1. Meditation– Without meditation everything else can still be practiced but it’s in my opinion that is comes with a lot less effort if I take time every morning to meditate. For myself, 30 minutes is how much time I spend a day, although it took me a few weeks to get that amount of time and actually be with myself.

2. Empathy Identification with and understanding of another persons situation, feelings, and motives. I actually tuned into the word empathy this past year because of marketing but regardless I now realize the power of empathy. The power is lies in seeing something from another persons perspective it allows me to practice having compassion for another human being.

3. Compassion-Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. I’ve really struggled with this in the past because I didn’t want to negotiate with my principles and relieve other peoples failings. I realize how short sited I was and my definition today is much different. There are many  ways that I can be of service to others either by non-profit or by way of profiting to where it is a win win. There is nothing wrong with either way or both. Coupling my passion with compassion is a very powerful combination.

4. Gratitude- I have said it probably many times here however it needs to be said again, “How can you be entrusted with more tomorrow if you’re not grateful what you already have in your life today?” Now I’m not just talking about more stuff like money, cars & jewelry. Although there’s nothing wrong with having them. It’s just cool when it comes as a by product of practicing these other principles. Practicing gratitude is powerful. Poor out in order to receive more in.

5. Connection-When I talk about connection is something to practice with others. Your inner connection comes from meditation but it needs to be said that working at connecting with others should be a daily practice as well. Connecting with your husband, your wife, your son or daughter. Maybe an Aunt you don’t get along with or even a friend. I have always gotten a good feeling when I’ve connected with someone that I may have had a misunderstanding with or a spat. It happens to the best of us. Step up and step in and harbor a connection instead of a resentment.

6. Patience-I admit this hasn’t been one of my strong points in the past. Impatience can serve you as well, don’t get me wrong. However when it comes to your emotions, working with other people on projects or even blogging, there is nothing wrong with having a healthy dose of patience. Don’t believe it’s in you? How about seeking out a mother of 2, 3 or even 5 kids and ask them something about patience. The love a mother has for her child knows no boundaries. Including patience.

7. Imagination-Had I not seen Wayne Dyer at the I Can Do It summit in Tampa late last year this one may had slipped by me and this list. However imagination is critical to our enjoyment here. If you don’t use your imagination you give up the one thing that will allow you to create what it is you desire. It’s a fine line desire & living in the now. I admit this is still something I struggle with at times but I’m learning to let go more & more every day. I’m imagining a life with out struggle. 🙂

8. Renewal-A big one never the less but to allow ourselves to renew. I fully admit I haven’t done this nearly enough in the last 24 months. Allowing ourselves to recharge and walk away from our daily grind is an absolute must and can grind out our creativity & our energy. Renewal could be a long weekend staying in a hut on the beach or all I care or spending time in Haiti contributing your time to a village. Either way it’s a must to do something & take time away a few times a year.

9. Awareness-Practicing all of these allows you to live in awareness, the here and the now. Awareness of your most radiant self, awareness of your connection to divinity and everyone you come in contact with. They are you and you are them. Resent it and resist it if you like but there in lies the struggle of ego and self. The world is a mirror and that mirror reflects your awareness. Amazing as it is and hard as it is to swallow. Even myself goes ~gulp~ at times.

10. LoveLove ourselves. The more love we have for ourselves the easier it is to have love for others. I could make it more complicated but why? Make it a practice to set aside time to love yourself consciously. Find all the things about you that you’re grateful for. Sit with it for a moment patiently and imagine where this love could take you in the future….such a good feeling. 🙂

These are my top 10 zen strategies of 2010 I am practicing hence it allows me to contribute more value to my fellow man and woman. Contribution could be my 11th zen strategy but it is more of a result of my practicing the 10. That just my experience though.

What about you? Do you have any others to add to or comments on the ones above?

Please share!

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